Friday, December 2, 2011

Do you think Michael Phelps is doped up ?

Considering the history of american athletes in recent times :

Sprinters Marion Jones, Dwain Chambers, Tim Montgomery, and shotputter C.J. Hunter with the Balco scandal.

American Olympic and world 100-meter champion Justin Gatlin failed a drug test when steroids were found in his system in 2006.

2006 tour de France winner Floyd Landis testing positive for an elevated testosterone/epitestosterone ratio.

American swimmer Jessica Hardy, 50-meter breaststroke world record holder testing positive for a banned stimulant just before 2008 Beijing olympics.

Considering the widespread use of steroids in professional sports in the US (Barry Bonds, Gambi, numerous football players .......)

Considering that US labs have often been one step ahead of doping tests by designing new substances that are not tracable. Lance Amstrong is suspected of using a new form of EPO during his tour de France tenures that was not detectable.

Do you think that Phelps could be doped up ?|||LOL. No way! I refuse to believe that. He isn't my hero or anything and I don't even watch swimming besides the Olympics. Anyway, IF he was, then he would have gotten caught already. Like that female US swimmer you got eliminated after they found some drug in her system and it wasn't even steroids. So, if Michael Phelps was "doped up," we would know by now.|||Phelps has volunteered to be tested in every way possible and to also have his urine and blood samples stored for at least 8 years for possible future testing. Obviously you don't do that if you are doping in any way. He wants to be sure that everyone knows that he is a clean athlete.|||Marion Jones tested negative many times after her victory. It was only years later that her doping scandal came out. As usual she denied at the beginning and look now what happen, she admitted of doping. Besides Michael Phelps, that Dara Torres is also in the same boat|||no! his urine is tested twice a day. he gets a blood test once a week. he has allowed for his blood to be saved for future tests that haven't been developed yet. besides the fact that he passes all the urine tests, do you think he would LET people save his blood if he was taking undetectable steroids? i think not.|||He is good, but he is doped. Probably he is taking very well sophisticated drugs that made him more fish than human... But not only him. Also the swimming suit ALL of the swimmers are wearing must be state of the technology lifting them up , making them lighter so they can swim faster...|||It's a fair question considering the recent history of US athletes, but I think Phelps is clean. He won numerous gold medals in Athens in 2004 and he didn't test positive for drugs then. I don't think things are any different in Beijing either.

|||No, of course not. He is just an amazing athlete and he has worked really hard. He has been training since he is 11 years old and he is naturally gifted. The drug testing is so strict now. If he were on something it would have been discovered. Go Michael. Go USA.|||YES HE IS!! All the first class (and not only them) athletes are. The industry that makes steroids is far beyond WADA. They can not track them with the tests they are using today. Probably some drugs will never be tracked. This is the sad truth. Athletes are nowadays dope machines.|||They are ALL doped up . Look at the muscles. Come on don't be naive they have been doing it for years. They have learned how to flush it out before the games. If you don't dope today you simply don't win. |||Of course he is. Marion Jones would have never been discovered if it wasnt for Balco probe. She was never caught on olympics. So spare me BS. While she was golden goose , all was fine. Shed still be fine if Barrys case never came up .|||almost all american athletes are doped ...even an athlete god like Carl Lewis has been discovered was doped as much as it was Marjon Jones , Phelps has been only more clever than Wada insofar |||I did wonder the same thing. But if this were the case, it would have been detected by now. They test for everything, and we would know by now. |||Well he is an American and considering the track record of US athletes it is a fair question to ask. |||He gets tested repeatedly by the IOC. He IS the best swimmer to ever participate in the sport. Apparently, he whipped your dude's a** huh?|||I think it's really sad that as soon as someone is doing really well people automatically think they are cheating. I don't think he is doped up I just think he's worked really hard to be the best x|||No , but I think YOU'RE doped up , or maybe just a dope. Damn , I get so tired of you canadians whining.|||Yea, definitely!|||NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO|||No, but the new hightech body suits are BS.

But Phelps won it "by the rules" hands down, no doubt.|||No! Michael Phelps doesn't sit around all day and play X Box or Wii Stations and down Taco Bell Burgers |||No - they check for those now.


|||Naw', If he did, He wouldn't be swimming in Beijing!|||no!! atleast i dont think so!!|||I would be surprised if he was, sad and surprised. With the change in technology in the suits they wear it isnt out of the realm of belief that these swim times are legit without doping.

Also before you go off here, the US isnt the only country to have doping issues, so get off that high horse. A number of riders in the Tour de France over the past number of years have tested positive, some US some not. Olympians are the same, some US some not. So just tossing out US athlete names is uncalled for and pathetic, If your going to address doping as a problem, its a global problem, not specific to one country.

Before you go tossing baseball player names in there, and the likes of Hardy (we still don't know what she tested positive for even) the IOC has a much better and comprehensive testing plan than baseball or other sports for that matter. The tests today are better than ever (yes so are the drugs), so as a society, we need to give these athletes the benefit of the doubt. The day we are so jaded that we assume anyone who wins a race or event is doped up is the day we should no longer have the events, otherwise what is the point?

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