First thing, even if you lubricated your cube, you need to make sure you lubricate it the best way possible, and not to over-lubricate it. The best lubricant is silicone spray, I use the CRC brand personally. I also sand down the corners of each piece and the imperfections on the sides. Also, for fast speedcubing, think about getting a DIY (do it yourself) cube for maximum performance. These cubes can be adjusted smoothness and tightness to fit your exact specifications.
The method you use is called the beginner's method. This is the slowest method, but always is best to learn first. I would suggest using Fridrich method, that is the method I use. For the top layer I use OLL (orientation of last layer) and 2 look PLL (permutation of last layer). Learning regular PLL first may be useful, then learn 2 look. Then you can also learn things such as the perms (F-Perm, V-Perm, etc..). I also use the different perms. The perms (shortened for permutations) are different algorithms performed at a certain pattern before or after an OLL that automatically makes the cube solved. This is a necessity for great speedcubers. No world record holder in the world uses the Beginner's method. However, Fridrich method may not be the best for you. Many cubists have different cubing styles, resulting in different methods. The top three I suggest are Fridrich, Petrus, and Roux.
Ah, you need to learn fingertricks, of course. Every speedcuber needs to learn this. It is where you can turn the pieces easier, by using one flick of a finger, and to do it quickly and be able to perform algorithms quickly.
Another trick is to always stay calm. Make sure your hands are calm and not all trying to go fast and excited and twitchy, it has to be calm. Do not be excited or worried or anything but calm. Calmness is a major key to solving the Rubik's cube fast.
These are about the main points in nice fast solving, added to practice practice practice. Learning all these things will probably first get you into the 50s when you are good at them, then 30s-40s when you master them. Added to a couple months-1 year practice, 20s. And added to constant practice for many years, 3 or 4, you can get to where I am at, average of around 10s.
Hope this helped, and good luck.|||You are never going to be as fast as the pros by just learning a few simple algarithms. Yes, I do know what I am talking about. I can complete a Rubik's Cube in under one minute but not under 10 seconds. You need to spend all of your time sitting on a couch and not going on dates to be close.
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|||you are right pogo bat is the best person to use a video by but the reason you cannot solve the cube that fast is because so need number one a faster cube. i use a dayan guhong. it is the best cube out there you can buy it on you also need to lubricate it and use finger tricks. time 42.59
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|||i finished one once but i removed the stickers and then put them back on....its not in the rules you cant do that.... it might be quicker than 1:50 minutes. lol good luck the pros are insance with them
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