Wednesday, November 30, 2011

OK, IN TODAY'S NEWS... The world's fastest man has adopted the world's fastest animal...?

"As part of an effort to help protect Kenya's endangered species, Usain Bolt formally adopted a three-month old cheetah cub today in Nairobi. (What? You thought the world record holder in both the 100 and 200 meters would own a tortoise?)

Bolt bestowed one of his own nicknames upon the cub, naming him "Lightning Bolt"."

IS THIS GUY trying to become the world's first Super Hero?

Next, will he buy the world's fastest Car to drive to the world's fastest Plane to jet off to the world's fastest Fast-Food Restaurant? Or will he try to take over the world's fastest Communications System (the Internet) by becoming the World's Fastest Typist !

Somebody get him Spandex and a Cape! Quick!|||It's a shame, because the cheetah is only the fastest land animal. It's certainly not the fastest animal. The peregrine falcon, for example, can fly at over 100mph.

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